Eb Group Collective Agreement

EB Group Collective Agreement: Understanding the Key Elements

The EB Group Collective Agreement is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for employees under the EB Group in Canada. This agreement is a legally binding document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of both the employer and the employees. It is important for both parties to understand the key elements of this agreement to ensure compliance and to avoid any disputes.

Scope of the Agreement

The first key element of the EB Group Collective Agreement is its scope. This agreement applies to all employees who are members of the EB Group, including those who are part of the bargaining unit and those who are not. The agreement covers a wide range of topics, including hours of work, wages and benefits, job security, and workplace safety.

Wages and Benefits

Another important element of the EB Group Collective Agreement is wages and benefits. This agreement sets out the minimum wages and benefits that employees are entitled to receive. It also outlines the process for negotiating and adjusting wages and benefits, which typically occurs annually or bi-annually.

Hours of Work

The collective agreement also covers the hours of work for employees. This includes regular hours of work, overtime, and shift work. The agreement sets out the maximum number of hours that employees can work per day and per week, as well as the rates of pay for overtime and shift work.

Job Security

Job security is another important element of the EB Group Collective Agreement. This agreement outlines the process for layoffs, reassignments, and recalls. It provides employees with protections against arbitrary and unjustified dismissal, and sets out the process for resolving disputes related to job security.

Workplace Safety

The collective agreement also covers workplace safety. This includes provisions related to the training and certification of employees, as well as the responsibilities of the employer and the employees for maintaining a safe work environment.


Overall, the EB Group Collective Agreement is an important document that sets out the terms and conditions of employment for employees under the EB Group in Canada. It is important for both employers and employees to understand the key elements of this agreement to ensure compliance and to avoid any disputes. If you have any questions about the EB Group Collective Agreement, it is recommended to consult with a legal professional or a human resources specialist.

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